Dia Internacional do Urso Polar
World Polar Day
Hoje. dia 27 Fevereiro, celebra-se o Dia Internacional do Urso Polar. Como sabes, o urso polar tornou-se uma espécie protegida desde Novembro 2011.
O governo da Canadá incluiu o urso polar nas espécies vulneráveis ou ameaçadas, depois de uma avaliação feita.
Por outro lado, não entendemos que permita a caça ao urso polar no seu território.
O urso polar é agora considerado uma espécie vulnerável, sob a ameaça da perda de seu habitat do gelo do mar.
créditos: Autor não identificado
Para chamar a atenção para a sua situação, Google está a mostrar as rotas de ursos polares no seu ambiente nativo, através do seu programa Street View.
Google Street View associou-se ao Dia do Urso Polar para sensibilizar as pessoas, mas sobretudo os jovens a lutar pela preservação da espécie.
Já sabem que somos adeptos das causas ambientalistas desde 2005 e estamos sempre prontos a lutar pelos direitos dos animais.
Também poderás informar-te sobre factos interessantes sobre ursos polares aqui
Polar Bear Day
foto: Daniel I. Cox | Natural Exposures
It’s International Polar Bear today, so if you live within shouting distance of the Arctic Circle, hug the closest polar bear. (Actually do not do that - an adult male polar bear is nearly half a ton of hungry predator and they are extremely dangerous.) Still, the beasts deserve a little tenderness.
PBI's International Polar Bear Day takes place every year on February 27th. Since November 2011, Canada protects polar bear as an endangered specie.
The polar bear is now considered a vulnerable species under threat from the loss of its sea ice habitat.
To draw attention to their plight, Google is now offering glimpses of polar bears in their native environment, via its Street View program.
Cameras in Cape Churchill and Wapusk National Park in northern Manitoba captured images of polar bears doing their polar bear thing during an annual gathering in the region in October and November.
You can see pictures of polar bears sparring, and a mother nursing her cub, all against the flat white and brown background of the Arctic. The footage was taken with Google’s Street View Trekker—15 cameras mounted on a backpack—from aboard the decidedly off-road vehicles known tundra buggies. Read more here
PBI's International Polar Bear Day takes place every year on 27 February. Since November 2011, Canada protects polar bear as an endangered species.
You can also learn about interesting facts about polar bears here
Well, as young environmentalists, we are defenders of the polar bear and all endangered species since 2005. This blog prove it.
But, today, we only want to say Happy Polar Bear Day !
Geração 'explorer'
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