Saturday, August 11, 2012

Pausa: férias & animais !

Tempo de férias! Agosto, é tempo de férias para alunos e professores em quase todos os países da Europa.

Vamos então fazer uma curta pausa. Mas prometemos voltar em Setembro!

Até lá, deixamos estas encantadoras fotografias de animais polares em momentos de lazer. Sim, porque os animais têm rotinas semelhantes às nossas.

Ah! Não esqueçam de visitar o nosso blogue Educação Ambiental aqui

Polar bear sleeps soundly
Foto: Flip Nicklin

Sea lions
Foto:  Joanne Lembeck

Australian sea lion
Foto: Alesandro Kaitner

Baby Walrus with mother
Foto: Paul Nicklen

Emperor penguin baby
Foto:  courtesy NOAA

In Portugal, as in most European countries, August is school time-out season. The students have holiday time. Teachers are preparing their lessons for next school season. And of course have some fun with family.

We will be back in September!

Until there, watch this beautiful photos about polar animals that are taking a break too!

Oh! By the way, please visit our blog Green Blog here
Have fun! See us soon!

Geração Exploradores Polares


Creative Commons License

Referências | References:

Fotografia | Photography
Nat Geo Wild


Anonymous said...

Hi, love your blog.
Nice pics, wonderful job of the students!
Have a nice hoilday time!


GreenNerds said...

Thank you Skye :)

Yes, indeed, my students are awesome! They left school, but they volunteer to continue this blog when they have some time. They are in college now.

Have a nice week!