O novo Museu de História Natural de Shenzhen, na China está definido para ser uma das "Dez Instalações Culturais da Nova Era". É o primeiro museu natural abrangente de grande escala no sul da China alguma vez concluído.
Localizado ao lado do pitoresco Lago Yanzi no distrito de Pingshan de Shenzhen, o novo museu que tem 100.000m2 será um museu de ciências naturais de classe mundial dedicado a interpretar as leis da evolução natural, mostrando as geografias de Shenzhen e sua ecologia numa perspectiva global, defendendo activamente a ciência.
O projecto estende a rede de parques públicos e visa maximizar o acesso às áreas verdes circundantes, com uma série de actividades dedicadas a manter o local aberto e activo durante todo o dia. Corridas matinais, passeios nocturnos, entre outras.
Isto dá a oportunidade a residentes e visitantes de desfrutar e de estarem sempre em contacto com a natureza.
A lembrar as curvas de um rio, cada uma delas terá uma vista única sobre o parque circundante, colinas e lago através de terraços de observação delineados no último andar.
Embora com menos regularidade, continuamos a propor alguns temas relativos às paisagens polares, e temáticas realcionadas com Antárctida ou Árctico.
The new Shenzhen Natural History Museum, will be one Shenzhen’s “Ten Cultural Facilities of the New Era” and the first large-scale comprehensive natural museum in Southern China.
Located adjacent to the picturesque Yanzi Lake in the Pingshan District of Shenzhen, will be a world-class natural science museum dedicated to interpreting the laws of natural evolution, showing the geographies of Shenzhen and its ecology in a global perspective, and actively advocating science.
Like a river stream finding its shape in balance with the earth, every turn frames a new spectacular view over the surrounding park, hills, and lake from dedicated viewing terraces along the roof park.
The design extends the public park network and aims to maximize access to the lush green areas throughout with a range of activities dedicated to keeping the site open and active throughout the day – from early morning jogs to late evening strolls.
This gives the opportunity for residents and visitors alike to enjoy and connect with nature.
Like water streaming down a river, the undulating form leads guests to a ”cave”’ inspired passage that is connected to the to the museum lobby and activated by multiple cafes and public areas, serving as the pulsating heart of the building.
via B+H architects
Hello, again! Let's talk about polar environment. Well, we continue to face the terrific pandemic time, thinking about for better days.
"We are facing a devastating pandemic, new heights of global heating, new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards global goals for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development."
Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General, in The State of the Planet
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