Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Vozes pelo Árctico : concerto Ludovico Einaudi no... Árctico

Ludovico Einaudi
credits: Greenpeace

O pianista e compositor italiano Ludovico Einaudi deu um concerto no Árctico. O concerto organizado pela associação ambientalista Greenpeace aconteceu numa plataforma flutuante semelhante a um iceberg em frente ao glaciar de Wahlenbergbreenna região de Svalbard, Noruega. 

Tratava-se de dar visibilidade ao problema da redução da superfície gelada do Árctico, devido às alterações climáticas.

Ludovico Einaudi compôs uma peça especialmente para a ocasião a que deu o título “Elegia pelo Árctico". O compositor viajou até à região polar a bordo do navio Arctic Sunrise, da Greenpeace.

Ludovico Einaudi
credits: Greenpeace
O concerto faz parte da iniciativa Vozes pelo Árctico, lançada na semana em que a associação ambientalista reúne no contexto da Convenção OSPAR (Comissão Internacional para a Protecção do Meio Marinho do Atlântico Nordeste), na ilha de Tenerife, em Espanha.
O piano de Ludovico Einaudi associa-se assim, às vozes de cerca de oito milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo que se juntam à associação ambientalista no apelo pela protecção do Ártico.

O concerto deve ter sido uma sensação maravilhosa para quem esteve no Árctico! Uma coisa é ouvir em vídeo, outra terá sido o som que ecoou pelo Árctico.

Só podemos agradecer a Ludovico Einaudi, uma voz musical tão importante e conhecida mundialmente - somos seus fãs - ter-se juntado a esta causa ambientalista a favor do Árctico.

Ludovico Einaudi
credits: Greenpeace

Greenpeace holds a historic concert with pianist Ludovico Einaudi on the Arctic to call for its protection

Two weeks ago the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise set off from the Netherlands carrying a very special load: the voices of eight million people. Messages from around the globe calling for governments to save the Arctic from threats such as oil drilling and destructive fishing.

The composer Ludovico Einaudi has turned eight million voices into music, Elegy for the Arctic, specially composed to help protect the Arctic.

"As he performed this piece for the first time - in front of a magnificent surging glacier - the music echoed across the ice, a moment that will remain in our minds forever."

Through his music, acclaimed Italian composer and pianist Ludovico Einaudi has added his voice to those of eight million people from across the world demanding protection for the Arctic. Einaudi performed one of his own compositions on a floating platform in the middle of the Ocean, against the backdrop of the Wahlenbergbreen glacier in Svalbard, Norway. 

Ludovico Einaudi concert is the Arctic
credits: pedro armestre / greenpeace

The timing of Einaudi’s performance is not by chance. This week, delegates at the OSPAR Commission meeting in Tenerife, Spain, have an opportunity to take an important step in protecting the Arctic. The proposal before them would safeguard 10% of the Arctic ocean, an area roughly the size of the UK. Read more here

It is urgent. The Arctic ocean is the least protected sea in the world, its high seas currently have no legal safeguards. As the ice cover decreases with rising temperatures, this unique area is losing its frozen shield, leaving it exposed to reckless exploitation, destructive fishing trawlers and risky oil drilling. Read more here

We loved the idea. A concert in the Arctic by Ludovico Einaudi, a well known musician and composer, so admired in the world. We are fans.

He came to Portugal and his concerts were just wonderful.

Such an important voice pledging for the Arctic! Thank you Einaudi. And thank you Grennpeace always so creative in its fight to protect our planet.

Geração 'explorer'


Creative Commons License

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Dia Mundial dos Oceanos : #HealthyOceans

“Urgent action on a global scale is needed to alleviate the world’s oceans from the many pressures they face, and to protect them from future dangers that may tip them beyond the limits of their carrying capacity. ”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Hoje é Dia Mundial dos Oceanos. Depois de celebrarmos o Dia Internacional da BiodiversidadeDia Mundial do Meio Ambienteeis-nos de novo a chamar  a atenção para o Dia Mundial dos Oceanos.

O tema do Dia Mundial dos Oceanos 2016 é "Oceanos Saudáveis, Planeta Saudável" de modo a acabar com poluição provocada pelos plásticos.

Um oceano saudável é um planeta saudável, e um planeta saudável é absolutamente vital para o bem estar das futuras gerações.

credits: UNESCO

Os oceanos ocupam dois terços da superfície da Terra e pela interacção com a atmosfera, litosfera e biosfera têm um papel importante nas condições climatéricas do planeta. 

Por outro lado, os oceanos não são apenas o habitat de um vasto número de plantas e animais. Fornecem também comida, energia e múltiplos recursos aos seres humanos.

Mais de três biliões de pessoas dependem da biodiversidade marinha e costeira para subsistir.

credits: UNESCO

Today, we celebrate World Oceans Day. May 22 we celebrated the International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. And June 5, World Envioronment Day.

Portugal is an Ocean country. The Sea is a mean of communication and transportation, a source of food and medicines, of energy and living resources. The Ocean creates employment and promotes the economy of the country.

The ocean is the heart of our planet. Like your heart pumping blood to every part of your body, the ocean connects people across the Earth, no matter where we live. The ocean regulates the climate, feeds millions of people every year, produces oxygen, is the home to an incredible array of wildlife, provides us with important medicines, and so much more! In order to ensure the health and safety of our communities and future generations, it’s imperative that we take the responsibility to care for the ocean as it cares for us.
This year, the theme is "Healthy oceans, healthy planet", and UN is making a special effort to stop plastic pollution.
Plastic pollution is a serious threat because it degrades very slowly, polluting waterways for a very long time. In addition, plastic pollution impacts the health of aquatic animals because animals including zooplankton mistake the microbeads for food. Scientists also fear health impacts for humans.

A healthy ocean is a healthy planet, and a healthy planet is absolutely vital for the well-being of generations to come. 

credits: UNESCO

UNESCO’s Director-General message on the occasion of the World Oceans Day has been very clear: “The Ocean is essential to moving forward”.

In fact, the ocean has been a crucial component of the development of human societies since the dawn of history, as well as it is key in the sustainability of our environment. This can be seen in the archaeological traces found today under the water of our oceans. A vast number of the testimonies of this relation between the human societies and the oceans remain preserved today underwater and they are in danger due to the increasing impacts of human activities on the marine environment.
The United Nations will celebrate World Oceans Day 2016 and recognize the winners of the Annual World Oceans Day Oceanic Photo Competition at an event on 8 June 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters.

Welcome to the World Oceans Day Portal of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO!

credits: Martine PerretUN

The IOC is delighted to welcome you back to celebrate the 2016 edition of the United Nations World Oceans Day, held each year on 8 June. People all over the globe are celebrating in multiple events – big and small – to mobilize society and protect the ocean, its biodiversity and its resources.

The IOC has created this portal as a guide to this special celebration: a history of World Oceans Day, the programme of activities organized at UNESCO Headquarters and around the world, a press kit, event-planning resources and much more!

How will you celebrate World Oceans Day? Share your stories, pictures, videos – anything goes to show your enthusiasm! 

Tag your Facebook and Twitter posts #WorldOceansDay and get in on the worldwide festivities.

This is your portal to tune into all that is happening worldwide around World Oceans Day. Read more here

Good surfing!

Geração 'explorer'


Creative Commons License