Spencer Glacier Collapse
credits: Home With the Hoopers
via © SIC Notícias
Andrew Hooper e Josh Basty, dois canoístas de kayak testemunharam o glaciar
Spencer colapsou, mesmo bem perto. Um susto enorme!
Ambos tinham as câmaras apontadas para o colapso que fora anunciado. Mas o susto foi grande! Não esperavam tão forte abalo.
Andrew Hooper e Josh Basty trabalham nos canais YouTube de Steering South e Home With the Hoopers.
Spencer colapsou, mesmo bem perto. Um susto enorme!
Ambos tinham as câmaras apontadas para o colapso que fora anunciado. Mas o susto foi grande! Não esperavam tão forte abalo.
Andrew Hooper e Josh Basty trabalham nos canais YouTube de Steering South e Home With the Hoopers.
No vídeo publicado por um dos canoístas ouve-se o gelo a quebrar e, uns minutos mais tarde, vê-se o glaciar a colapsar com violência na água. Nesse momento é projectada uma massa de água na direcção dos dois homens.
Um dos protagonistas da história com final feliz grita "Temos sorte de estar vivos".
Two kayakers just escaped with their lives after a massive glacier collapsed in front of them in Alaska.
A glacier has collapsed and sent a wall of icy water straight at two kayakers who had approached the cliff after hearing cracking noises.
Spencer Glacier Collapse
credits: Home With the Hoopers
Two kayakers at Spencer Glacier in Alaska are lucky they weren’t any closer to a glacial bridge that collapsed or it could have been catastrophic. As it was, Josh Bastyr and Andrew Hooper were pelted pretty good from the explosive fallout, as captured in Bastyr’s Steering South video (the real action begins at the 40-second mark).
The incident occurred last Saturday 17 August during an overnight camping and kayak trip to Spencer Glacier.
The kayakers filmed as the huge chunk of ice dropped away and created a surge of water.
The kayakers, who operate the YouTube channels Steering South and Home With the Hoopers, wrote about their harrowing experience online.
"Andrew from Home With the Hoopers and I took a trip to Spencer Glacier for a one night camping and kayaking adventure. After setting up camp we hit the glacial lake for some awesome kayaking,"
Josh Bastyr, on Steering South
"We made the 1.5 mile (2.4km) trek to the glacier and started hearing calving in the distance. We decided to investigate the noises and came face to face with one of nature's most awesome forces."
Bastyr added that it was one of the most intense things he ever witnessed and said they're both lucky to be alive.
A chunk of a glacier calved about 50 foot (15 metres) from us and created a 10-12 foot (3- 3.7 metre) wave. We were pelted with chunks of flying ice and buckets of water. To say we are lucky to be alive is an understatement," Hooper wrote on his channel.
"We learned our lesson and will give glaciers the space they deserve next time we are out exploring."
Spencer Glacier rises 1067 metres, and is located in the Chugach National Forest about 100km south of Anchorage. Read more here
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Have a nice time if you are in holidays! We will be back in September! By the way, don't forget to visit our green blog Geração Verde Portugal.
Geração 'explorer'
sources: Sic Notícias/ USToday Sports/Nine.com.au